the mastermind art crimes unit needs your help!
PUzzles and Paintings! Click for a larger view
ART HEIST: An Art-Themed puzzle adventure
Your team has been selected by the Mastermind Art Crimes Unit! Our operatives have discovered a gang of art thieves who are planning major heists across the globe, and your task will be to determine which locations and which paintings they will attempt to steal next.
Lucky for us, these notorious criminals like to communicate using (you guessed it) puzzles, and our field agents have intercepted their communications. Your mission is to stop them before they can commit the crime of the century...
In Art Heist, players work in teams to solve art-themed puzzles. This game can be played at nearly any indoor or outdoor location. Art expertise is NOT required! Some limitations may apply based on venue size and availability. Please contact us two or more weeks in advance of your event.
For two or more teams of four or five players. Run time is approximately two hours.